Sabado, Mayo 05 - 2007
Culto Divino
Predicador: Pr Uriel BarreroTema: "..."
*Coro de Iglesia
*Alabanza Especial: Tony López
*Alabanza: Cuando el Pueblo de Dios Ora
Despues de 6 años de pastorear las Iglesias: "Greenville-N", "Mt. Olive", "Wilson", "Dudley", "Filial Manteo", "Filial Faison" y "GP Albertson" ... Ahora, desde Agosto 2014, Como Pastor de las Iglesias Adventistas: "Fayetteville", "Raeford", "St. Pauls" y "Sanford", en North Carolina, deseo que usted encuentre fortalecimiento espiritual mientras nos visita ... Pr. Elias Sandoval ... Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia ... Carolina Conference of SDA
At 6:03 PM, Anonymous said…
hi i'm new to this website. sincerely and honestly, i like everything,except the praise and worship part. no offence, but i think that you should be more careful with whom you pick to sing. i know that what counts is the praise that is elevated to the Most Hihg, but i think you should consider my advice.
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